Reiki and its benefits
Reiki can help heal you physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.

Reiki can be a powerful additional healing tool in recuperation after chemotherapy treatment, recuperation of anyone who has undergone surgery after illness or an accident, or anybody who is recovering from any kind of illness.
Reiki can be especially healing or soothing for children and babies: children with illness or injuries, sleeping problems and or other ailments, as well as providing calming and relaxing benefits.
(All children aged 16 and under are to be accompanied by an adult).

Reiki – 30 Minute session – £35

(head + area of pain or head + calming)
Enjoy deep relaxation with Swedish Massage, combined with added Reiki Energy Healing – especially effective if there are problem areas.
For example – After receiving massage to an aching back, receive added Reiki Healing which will further alleviate pain, and will increase the rate of recovery of damaged / aching muscles.
These two Holistic Therapies combined, makes for a different kind of wonderful, deep relaxation.

(head + area of pain or head + calming)
Enjoy deep relaxation with Swedish Massage, combined with added Reiki Energy Healing – especially effective if there are problem areas.
For example – After receiving massage to an aching back, receive added Reiki Healing which will further alleviate pain, and will increase the rate of recovery of damaged / aching muscles.
These two Holistic Therapies combined, makes for a different kind of wonderful, deep relaxation.

45 MIN REIKI MASSAGE = £45 ( Back, neck & shoulders )

Crystal Reiki therapy
Crystal Reiki is the use of the empowering energy of crystals to enhance the energy of Reiki.
Each Chakra throughout the body is represented by a colour – i.e. The 1st or root chakra is represented by the colour red, the 2nd, or sacral chakra is orange, the 3rd or solar plexus chakra is yellow, the 4th or heart chakra is green or pink, the 5th or throat chakra is blue, the 6th or third eye chakra is purple, and the 7th or crown chakra is white or clear.
Some believe that crystals vibrate at the same pitch / frequency as the human body, and as a result can enhance healing and combat the pitch (resonance) caused by illness, grief, or imbalance, for example.
To assist with balancing the body, a stone of the appropriate colour is placed on each chakra / area of the body, thus giving the chakra a boost of its own vibration without altering the energies or overall harmony of the system. There is a possibility the crystals will enhance deeper feelings and emotions and a stronger energy flow. Be reassured this is a normal, natural occurrence and crystals can be removed at any time if the client feels uncomfortable.
Crystals are placed on or around you at the beginning of the healing session.
Crystals are chosen depending on your needs, with larger crystals being placed under the table for your comfort. What is experienced in each session is distinctly individual.