Reiki energy is in everyone.
It is lying dormant, inside every person on the planet, waiting to be rediscovered by yourself, and to be permanently reconnected to Source / Universal energy!
A Reiki level 1 course is going to affect everyone in different ways – no two people are the same.
After the course, what IS the same, is your ability to access Reiki anywhere and at any time, to heal yourself, your friends and your family…
Reiki Level 2 will increase your knowledge & understanding, as well as increase the strength of your Reiki energy and therefore your healing abilities, through the gift of being given access to the 3 main Reiki symbols…
Reiki level 3 is the Master level.
This is split into 2 x separate categories :-
Reiki 3a
Reiki 3b
Reiki 3a is mastering yourself & your Reiki.
You will be given the Master symbol and learn about the Kotodama – this is the sacred sound of the Reiki symbol…
Reiki 3b is for students who wish to go on to attune & teach others the magical energy healing that is Reiki.
Reiki 1st Degree ( Level 1 ) is a one-day course, 10.30am-5pm, with you receiving a certificate and a manual to take home.
This course will cover –
. An introduction to Reiki
. A brief history of Reiki
. The Reiki Principles ( precepts ) by which to live your life
. The different levels of Reiki
. Reiki Treatments
. How Reiki works
. Hand positions on yourself & others
. The Chakra system – how they affect you & what they regulate in the body
. Self healing
. Hatsurei Ho meditation
There will be 4 x Attunements throughout the course of the day, an Empowerment ( which will envelop you in a bubble of love ???? ), and by the end of the day, you will forever be connected to Reiki and the Universe, and will have the tools & ability to heal yourself, your friends, and your family!
There will also be interactive activities including practising your new connection to Reiki – feeling this connection is just so amazing and wonderful!
( deposit of £70, remainder to be paid on the day of your course )

Reiki 2nd Degree ( Level 2 ), is a one-day course, 10.30am-5pm, with you receiving a certificate and a manual to take home.
This course enables you to increase the strength of your Reiki healing abilities, delve deeper into your spiritual growth, and should you so wish, become a Reiki Practitioner.
This course will cover –
. Expanding your knowledge of Reiki
. Expanding your spiritual growth
. Be gifted the 3 x Reiki symbols to use with your Reiki
. Learn about what each symbol is for, how to draw it and how to use it
. Distance healing techniques
. Understanding Reiji Ho and its importance to your Reiki healing and spiritual growth
. Learn about Scanning and Beaming Reiki
. Learn about Aura Sweeping the body before or during a Reiki session
. Hands-on practice using your newly gifted Reiki symbols
( deposit £70, remainder to be paid on the day of your course )
Reiki Master Level 3a…..
This is a one-day course…
This course will cover –
. Become connected to Reiki Mastership
. Understanding Reiki up to this point
. The Usui Master Symbol – origins & meanings
. The Tibetan Master Symbol – origins & meanings
. The use of Master symbols in treatments on others, as well as self healing
. The Kotodama and Reiki symbols
. Kotodama Meditation
( deposit £100, remainder to be paid of day of the course )
Reiki Master Level 3b……
This is a one-day course…
This course will cover –
. The detailed process of giving attunements for Reiki level 1, 2, and Master level
. Giving Empowerments
. Full understanding of Reiju – Intuition / Intuitive healing
. Understanding the Violet Breath
. Helpful practice points
. The importance of Intention
. How to perform Reiju Empowerments
( deposit £100, remainder to be paid on day of the course )